I’m sending this email to people I know
personally who are members of the Liberal party and others that I
have had email communications with.
I write this as a concerned citizen. The
current government seems out of touch with the real world but I’m
concerned that in many respects there is little difference in your
party. It seems to me that both major parties are run by marketing
people, who believe that if you say something enough times it
becomes the truth. The more political party’s use marketing
techniques rather than well explained policy’s to argue their case
the lower the esteem of politicians in the eye of the electors. The
marketers seem to assume that we are all mugs, I’m not sure that is
The internet is playing an increasing part in
community discussion so the Liberal party is to be congratulated for
having provision on your website for input from community members.
I’ve made comments on a number of issues (under my full name) but it
appears to me that no one in the party is reading what is put up on
your website which is disappointing and somewhat counterproductive.
It could actually become a liability to the party if not properly
I’m very concerned about Australian
food security and the sale of Australian companies and land to
foreign interests. This is an issue that both major parties have
ignored for too long, Ausbuy
www.ausbuy.com.au , which my company is proud to be a member of,
is the only organization working to bring this issue to public
attention. I’m heartened to hear that the issue of sale of farmland
is starting to be discussed within the Liberal party.
The comments I’ve made on the
Liberal party website are at:
but this content has sinced been taken of teh Liberal Party website,
you can read what was there by going to
I’ve also made some comments on
Malcolm Turnbull’s website:
And on the issue of the city –
country divide on:
I sense that we are in a very unstable
situation at present which was well summed up in the following
article in the Australian:
I believe that many of these issues can be
addressed through the improved communication that the internet
offers, with this in mind I have created
www.agritourismwa.com.au . Both these sites are receiving
steadily increasing traffic. The agritourism site includes a link to
the Liberal parties Road Map for Australian Food Security
near the end of the text.
The fact that people are taking the trouble to
make comments and leave email addresses on the Liberal Party
website, I’d have thought would have warranted some reply ( not just
an auto reply) and even some encouragement to become involved
with the party. Is the Liberal party still a broad church or are the
views expressed not what the party wants to hear?
I hope that this email will make a contribution
to the discussion of food security and Australian ownership of
productive assets. I’ll look forward to any replies.
Barry Green
Managing Director
Western Tourist Radio.
PO Box 582, Donnybrook, WA 6239
ph 08 9731 7006
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