Comments on Road Map to Australian Food Security |
The following are comments made on the liberal party's website
under the heading
Road Map to Australian Food Security up until 10
July 2011. It was at
but has since been removed. There were some very sensible comments
on the site, perhaps the liberal party didn't want to hear them?
This has been posted out of my concern for Australian food security
as discussed on
. I see agritourism as a way to reconnect with farmers with
eaters so have created
www.agritourismwa.com.au .
Barry Green
This initiative is a comprehensive plan to boost Australian
Agriculture and ensure the Nations food security both now and into
the future.
The Coalition recognises that primary producers are the cornerstone
of any civilisation and has stressed that no major civilisation has
survived without a prosperous, efficient and sustainable food
production system.
The Policy includes:
- Increased Research and Development for primary production funding
of $150million over three years;
- A $5 million four-year scientist/researchers pilot programme
offering grants of up to $50,000 for specialised research, mentoring
or further study;
- Grants totalling $50 million over four years for farmers
undertaking water-saving activities for stock use;
- $20 million over four years towards a large scale Feral Animal
Control Programme;
- A Saltbush Planting Programme to provide up to $100,000 matched
dollar for dollar per annum per farm enterprise and up to $250,000
per established nursery per annum;
- $8 million for a “third party” auditable map of Australia’s
Agricultural Production carbon footprint;
- $2 million for a “Green Tape” audit of all environmental
legislation and regulations;
- $15 million for a Bio-security Flying Squad to provide urgent
additional resources when a bio-security risk is identified.
Anne R. 07/08/10 10:17 AM Report Abuse
If something isn't done to help our people on the land soon ,how can
we expect them to remain there. We should show more consideration
for farming families and help them with crop rotation and further
teaching for their children in agriculture and animal husbandry.
They are our future too.
Withheld 08/08/10 10:13 AM Report Abuse
We need to invest in our own country and stop cheap, poor quality
food being imported from other countries that undersell our own
I know there are safety controls in place stopping importing of food
from some countries, but I have heard that the importers get around
this by importing the food to NZ and re-packaging/re-branding the
food, so that it looks like it has originated in NZ. Why does the
government accept such poor standards for our own people?
Tamateena 09/08/10 02:21 AM Report Abuse
I feel that we should take a very strong stance on growing GM foods,
we do not need them, they will contaminate our food supply, and once
the damage is done there is NO reversing it, we should also consider
our insects that will also be contaminated, you only have to look at
the problems with the bee colonies in countries such as the USA who
grow a lot of GM food crops, and are now importing bees. Do we want
to be another USA, please NO. We need to grow more organically, be
kind to ourselves as well as the the animals and plants we live
with, PLEASE stop listening to the big multinational companies, they
are only out there to make money, while destroying US and the
NessB 11/08/10 06:56 PM Report Abuse
I have two things I would like to add here, firstly that I think
farmers need all our support, but why are we allowing the
continuation of lawn farming when it is a waste of our precious
water resources?
The other is, I think we need to show more of a commitment to
ensuring our farms and agricultural land remains in Australian hands
and not foreign owned as we may find in the future when resources
become more finite and we need the food grown in Australia to stay
in Australia, that food grown in Australia gets wholly exported by
the foreign owners. Not a future I want!!
Diana V Turner 12/08/10 11:04 AM Report Abuse
We Liberals are missing the huge point: Australian laws allow
overseas investors to buy our arable lands in piece chunks under
$213 Million price tags. It is mosaic piece buying, looks innocent
now but it isn't. Soon O/S investors ( China and Singapore, etc)
will link the purchases to wholesale major sections. Our farmers and
graziers will become tenant farmers on their own former lands. Crops
and livestock will go overseas. Tenants will be paid poorly, receive
less of their own production for themselves, while food prices will
keep rising for us all.
Liberal gov't. must stop O/S investments in our land. NZ allows only
leases which can be stopped suddenly. Our food security is urgent -
just like water.
Mervyn Jacobi 19/08/10 12:03 PM Report Abuse
Our Australian farmers need more thought from our governments, I
suspect they have a 5 or 10 year circle to cover droughts etc, if
not, why not? Too much thought has been given to the mining section,
and there are several problems from that, the reciprical imports are
found to be in conflict with the goods we had been producing before,
and the result has been the destruction of our manufacturing
industries as well as the farming. As the mining commodities are
non-renewable and non-value- added, I can't see why there has been
such a hullobullo about it, although I realise some people would
jump in and take shares if they thought they would make a killing
out of it, and of course, they have and expect to be protected. The
thing our government has to decide, do we want our own manufacturing
industries and farming or are we going to rely on our mining exports
to carry us until our resources are exhausted, what then?.
Simon Pratt 20/08/10 09:17 AM Report Abuse
Will this put an end to the imported Banana issue...
Jennifer Watters 24/08/10 03:00 PM Report Abuse
Stop importing fresh food from overseas - it is just too risky in
terms of quality, health, supporting our growers and bio-threats.
Improve food labelling requirements for country of origin of
INGREDIENTS as well as final product and packaging.
Additionally, overseas ownership of Australian land - from house
lots through to large parcels of arid land - must be stopped
Mervyn Jacobi 25/08/10 01:03 PM Report Abuse
As far as the foreign ownership of our land, I believe that the
decision and ruling politicians made in 1971 could have a lot to do
with it, the made a ruling that the CEO's of business buying into
Australia would pay the same tax as they would have in the US, and
vise versa. so our stupid politicians have been chasing the US tax
system ever since and they promised it would be carried on to other
countries. Consquently, our country and economy is very much in the
hands of foreign companies, our treasurers and PM's don't have and
haven't had enough integrity, intelligence or courage to stop this
chris nowland 10/10/10 11:49 AM Report Abuse
Sent: Friday, 08 October 2010 17:19 Hal Lewis
From: Hal Lewis, University of California, Santa Barbara
To: Curtis G. Callan, Jr., Princeton University, President of the
American Physical Society
6 October 2010
Dear Curt:
When I first joined the American Physical Society sixty-seven years
ago it was much smaller, much gentler, and as yet uncorrupted by the
money flood (a threat against which Dwight Eisenhower warned a
half-century ago).
Indeed, the choice of physics as a profession was then a guarantor
of a life of poverty and abstinence—it was World War II that changed
all that. The prospect of worldly gain drove few physicists. As
recently as thirty-five years ago, when I chaired the first APS
study of a contentious social/scientific issue, The Reactor Safety
Study, though there were zealots aplenty on the outside there was no
hint of inordinate pressure on us as physicists. We were therefore
able to produce what I believe was and is an honest appraisal of the
situation at that time. We were further enabled by the presence of
an oversight committee consisting of Pief Panofsky, Vicki Weisskopf,
and Hans Bethe, all towering physicists beyond reproach. I was proud
of what we did in a charged atmosphere. In the end the oversight
committee, in its report to the APS President, noted the complete
independence in which we did the job, and predicted that the report
would be attacked from both sides. What greater tribute could there
How different it is now. The giants no longer walk the earth, and
the money flood has become the raison d’être of much physics
research, the vital sustenance of much more, and it provides the
support for untold numbers of professional jobs. For reasons that
will soon become clear my former pride at being an APS Fellow all
these years has been turned into shame, and I am forced, with no
pleasure at all, to offer you my resignation from the Society.
It is of course, the global warming scam, with the (literally)
trillions of dollars driving it, that has corrupted so many
scientists, and has carried APS before it like a rogue wave. It is
the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen
in my long life as a physicist. Anyone who has the faintest doubt
that this is so should force himself to read the ClimateGate
documents, which lay it bare. (Montford’s book organizes the facts
very well.) I don’t believe that any real physicist, nay scientist,
can read that stuff without revulsion. I would almost make that
revulsion a definition of the word scientist.
So what has the APS, as an organization, done in the face of this
challenge? It has accepted the corruption as the norm, and gone
along with it. For example:
1. About a year ago a few of us sent an e-mail on the subject to a
fraction of the membership. APS ignored the issues, but the then
President immediately launched a hostile investigation of where we
got the e-mail addresses. In its better days, APS used to encourage
discussion of important issues, and indeed the Constitution cites
that as its principal purpose. No more. Everything that has been
done in the last year has been designed to silence debate
2. The appallingly tendentious APS statement on Climate Change was
apparently written in a hurry by a few people over lunch, and is
certainly not representative of the talents of APS members as I have
long known them. So a few of us petitioned the Council to reconsider
it. One of the outstanding marks of (in)distinction in the Statement
was the poison word incontrovertible, which describes few items in
physics, certainly not this one. In response APS appointed a secret
committee that never met, never troubled to speak to any skeptics,
yet endorsed the Statement in its entirety. (They did admit that the
tone was a bit strong, but amazingly kept the poison word
incontrovertible to describe the evidence, a position supported by
no one.) In the end, the Council kept the original statement, word
for word, but approved a far longer “explanatory” screed, admitting
that there were uncertainties, but brushing them aside to give
blanket approval to the original. The original Statement, which
still stands as the APS position, also contains what I consider
pompous and asinine advice to all world governments, as if the APS
were master of the universe. It is not, and I am embarrassed that
our leaders seem to think it is. This is not fun and games, these
are serious matters involving vast fractions of our national
substance, and the reputation of the Society as a scientific society
is at stake.
3. In the interim the ClimateGate scandal broke into the news, and
the machinations of the principal alarmists were revealed to the
world. It was a fraud on a scale I have never seen, and I lack the
words to describe its enormity. Effect on the APS position: none.
None at all. This is not science; other forces are at work.
4. So a few of us tried to bring science into the act (that is,
after all, the alleged and historic purpose of APS), and collected
the necessary 200+ signatures to bring to the Council a proposal for
a Topical Group on Climate Science, thinking that open discussion of
the scientific issues, in the best tradition of physics, would be
beneficial to all, and also a contribution to the nation. I might
note that it was not easy to collect the signatures, since you
denied us the use of the APS membership list. We conformed in every
way with the requirements of the APS Constitution, and described in
great detail what we had in mind—simply to bring the subject into
the open.
5. To our amazement, Constitution be damned, you declined to accept
our petition, but instead used your own control of the mailing list
to run a poll on the members’ interest in a TG on Climate and the
Environment. You did ask the members if they would sign a petition
to form a TG on your yet-to-be-defined subject, but provided no
petition, and got lots of affirmative responses. (If you had asked
about sex you would have gotten more expressions of interest.) There
was of course no such petition or proposal, and you have now dropped
the Environment part, so the whole matter is moot. (Any lawyer will
tell you that you cannot collect signatures on a vague petition, and
then fill in whatever you like.) The entire purpose of this exercise
was to avoid your constitutional responsibility to take our petition
to the Council.
6. As of now you have formed still another secret and stacked
committee to organize your own TG, simply ignoring our lawful
APS management has gamed the problem from the beginning, to suppress
serious conversation about the merits of the climate change claims.
Do you wonder that I have lost confidence in the organization?
I do feel the need to add one note, and this is conjecture, since it
is always risky to discuss other people’s motives. This scheming at
APS HQ is so bizarre that there cannot be a simple explanation for
it. Some have held that the physicists of today are not as smart as
they used to be, but I don’t think that is an issue. I think it is
the money, exactly what Eisenhower warned about a half-century ago.
There are indeed trillions of dollars involved, to say nothing of
the fame and glory (and frequent trips to exotic islands) that go
with being a member of the club. Your own Physics Department (of
which you are chairman) would lose millions a year if the global
warming bubble burst. When Penn State absolved Mike Mann of
wrongdoing, and the University of East Anglia did the same for Phil
Jones, they cannot have been unaware of the financial penalty for
doing otherwise. As the old saying goes, you don’t have to be a
weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing. Since I am no
philosopher, I’m not going to explore at just which point
enlightened self-interest crosses the line into corruption, but a
careful reading of the ClimateGate releases makes it clear that this
is not an academic question.
I want no part of it, so please accept my resignation. APS no longer
represents me, but I hope we are still friends.
Harold Lewis is Emeritus Professor of Physics, University of
California, Santa Barbara, former Chairman; Former member Defense
Science Board, chmn of Technology panel; Chairman DSB study on
Nuclear Winter; Former member Advisory Committee on Reactor
Safeguards; Former member, President’s Nuclear Safety Oversight
Committee; Chairman APS study on Nuclear Reactor Safety Chairman
Risk Assessment Review Group; Co-founder and former Chairman of
JASON; Former member USAF Scientific Advisory Board; Served in US
Navy in WW II; books: Technological Risk (about, surprise,
technological risk) and Why Flip a Coin (about decision making)
Jeff Elsum 22/10/10 10:21 AM Report Abuse
The Minister for Agriculture was asked in Parliament why there had
been an increase the import of fruit and vegies. His answer was
"well that's mostly due to processed fruit and vegies as we do not
have many processing operations in Australia" In Tasmania they have
in the last couple of years shut down 2 major processing plants in
the last 2 years. I have said years ago when the 2 big Supermarket
chains start importing food we will not be able to feed ourselves in
10 years. The farmers not only have to put up with drought flood and
pestilence their worst enemy is the Labour Government. The Murrar
Darling needs help the Labour party will organize that help like
they organized the BER and the Pink Batt Scheme. Wake Up Australia
Mervyn Jacobi 23/10/10 04:25 PM Report Abuse
WE have - with the approval of both the labor and Liberal parties,
been receiving foodstuffs, clothing, tools, and all sorts of goods
at reduced costs in accordance with the reduced price of our non
renewable, non value added mined resources which are exported and
the result is destroying our manufacturing industries and our food
production. The gas producing outfits which are polluting the
underground water supply around our farming areas, are adding to the
destructive pattern which has been introduced by the mining
companies, and approved and applauded by both the Labor and Liberal
parties. Neither party has shown any intelligence, integrity or
concern for the plight of the farmers their workers or other workers
nor for any body else. This is a problem, that the people have to
look into when the next election, both the State and commonwealth,
the people can only put up with so much.
Greg Jones 28/10/10 11:27 AM Report Abuse
Primary producers specialise in growing produce or raising stock.
They are not specialists in marketing or market dominance policies
major supermarkets use.
I believe Supermarkets must be specifically prohibited from setting
prices to be paid for produce such as milk and meat and cereal
We should have a national board which acts as broker for farmers,
and prevents supermarkets and take away food chains from dictating
prices. If they all have to buy from the board (perhaps a primary
producers product board) they have to accept prices set by the board
and not play one farmer against another as happens now.
Jeff Elsum 28/10/10 01:03 PM Report Abuse
Thankyou Mervyn Jacobi and Greg Jones We all agree that we are
approaching a very difficult time for Australia to be self
sufficient in food and almost everything else imported. The
newspapers in general are usless at puting stong arguments against
the supermarkets because of the advertising revenue. We seem not to
have any real campaigners with any forsight beyond a 30 minute TV
program. I am only new to getting on line and making comment so how
do we get our message out to real people, with real families and
needs. Because the Supermarkets in Australia all work on goods in
and goods out within a few days it could be argued that with the
right management we could nationally boycot and picket supermarkets
for a couple of days, until the government actually does something
positive for our food producers. It's only an idea but lets at laest
start to talk to some one it would also make a great news grab.
Mervyn Jacobi 29/10/10 04:57 PM Report Abuse
ave been reading in our newspaper, regarding the obscene salaries
being taken by the CEO's and upper executives of the Banking
community. Joe Hockey has also mentioned the same thing, and I am
sure that most if not all of the community would like to see that
the costs regarding banking and really, the costs of all the goods
and services should be brought back into the area where they can be
considered as decent and respectable. You probably are unaware of
this, but the Liberal treasurer in 1950, Harold Holt, worked on the
tax to find a suitable level to restrain excessive salaries and
other incomes, and discovered that a top tax of 66.6% was very
successful, the only thing he did not realise then, was that the
level of finance taken, was more than the amount needed to cover the
costs of government. To overcome this discrepancy today, there would
need to be virtually no tax on taxable incomes up to about $30,000,
while the top tax would be 66.6% on taxable incomes in excess of
$450,000. I realise that you would not contemplate this, as I
believe that most of the party would be strongly against such a move
nevertheless, give it some thought and if you realise that such a
tax would also cause a reduction in the costs of the goods and also
services. I also believe that it would cause great relief with the
economy and employment. Unfortunately, I do not believe that the
mining exports are any good at all for Australia, as the payment for
exports is by reciprocal trade, and the reciprocal trade has been
all the goods that our factories had been turning out before this
mining exporting had began, before 1970. Ask around to all the old
tradesmen where they had been working, I don't believe you would be
able to find any of the factories for the manufacturing any more,
and just remember that the rule regarding the unemployed now, is if
they are working regularly only one hour a week, they are considered
as being employed. If the original rules were adopted, we would
still have an unemployment level of about 17%, just the same as back
in the days of Whitlam. I hope you and Joe Hockey both have the
integrity, intelligence and decency to help drag the workers and the
economy out of this mess. Am I wasting my time, or are you honestly
going to try to save our economy and workers.
BenL 16/11/10 08:24 AM Report Abuse
I think we also need to stop importing a lot of food products from
overseas and keep it local. I also think that all unhealthy foods
should have a higher tax on them and healthier foods subsidised so
that lower income families can afford to eat healthier instead of
resorting to a family meal at a fast food joint because it’s cheaper
to feed their family that way instead of a nice healthy home cooked
This could possibly be a minor stepping stone to preventing obesity
in the population.
Spec 16/11/10 09:29 AM Report Abuse
I heard that the liberal party didnt get even $1 in donations for
the past several years? And have spent nearly 230 million in a
secret anti music campaign something about this "& But RR thing"
from getting out into the open. Could this money have been butter
spent? also is it true that they have resorted to importing drugs
like ice to keep the party afloat.
Carina Reid 20/11/10 12:57 PM Report Abuse
Far too much arrable land is being encroached upon by expanding
urban developmnet. We need more inner city high rise to accommodate
our growing population and restrict wastage on infrastructure to
outer urban development.
Gabor 27/11/10 06:51 PM Report Abuse
More investment is needed in the Murray-Darling basin, perhaps
including channelling rainwater from northern Australia (that would
otherwise flow out to sea) into the basin for irrigation purposes.
Foreign investment in agriculture has the potential to increase
output, but potential investors should continue to be screened to
ensure that their investment is in hte national interest. Asia is
experiencing growth that looks set to continue for some time into
the future, and Australia is geographically well positioned to
enable the Murray-Darling basin to becom the food bowl of Asia, henc
the need for policies which promote investment in it.
Mervyn Jacobi 02/12/10 08:55 AM Report Abuse
Our economy relies on a number of things,
(1) The control on the prevention of obscene salaries and other
incomes which adversely affect the costs of goods and services. -
The responsible of the Government and its treasurer.
(2) Imports and exports - we are exporting - and over exporting non
value added, non renewable resources, and allowing our large
companies to import manufactured goods that our own factories had
been manufacturing (before they were destroyed by the big companies
buying only imported cheap goods). The responsible of our elected
(3) The News media must be responsible in its reporting for our
economies sake, They are just another big company more concerned
with their own increasing wealth, They are a foreign company from
the US, just here to gouge wealth out of our country like they do in
their own country.
These problems have been carried on for at least forty years, and
have involved too many governments consisting of mainly
Liberal/National and Labor parties, and they have failed. We need
more than just a change of government, we need a change in the
requirements of persons allowed to nominate for the position to be
in Government.
paladin 21/12/10 11:51 PM Report Abuse
As a Chef in a five star hotel I see and use Australian produce it
is the best in the world.
but I now too much food coming from overseas and the qulity is bad.
cdeverist 12/01/11 09:15 PM Report Abuse
We need to get all Australians passionate about local produce. Its a
big dream that the Australian people could change the market place,
but why not make it a reality? We need advertising, education in
school, businesses...everywhere! Let's get Australians passionate
about Australia, and stop eating junk! Only through the people can
we turn back the flood of cheap and sensless imports.
Mervyn Jacobi 04/02/11 09:44 AM Report Abuse
I am totally against the exporting of Australia's mined resources,
as the only returns we get for them is foreign manufactured goods we
had been manufacturing ourselves. Unfortunately our “So intelligent
party politicians” seem to consider that the mining consortium are
more important than our own people engaged in manufacturing, those
people who – after spending their early life in building up the
industries for their own livelihood and the economy of all
Australia, are now condemned to the scrap heap along with their
dependants. The Parties which have been in power – particularly
since 1970, have consistently showed they have no intelligence or
integrity, and through their ignorance – or is it corruption, have
constantly maintained that our export of these non-renewable, non
value resources are the mainstay of our economy. They are continuing
to destroy our economy, and to protect themselves against legitimate
intelligent attacks, are claiming a faulty “Global economy”, and yes
it is, but only because the politicians in all the countries in the
world are too ignorant to learn the lessons from their earlier
venture of a high top tax. Look up “ History of US taxes”, “History
of Australia's taxes” and “History of taxes in UK”, then “Taxes
around the world”. When taxes are above 66.6%, excessively high
salaries are avoided and prices of goods and services are lowered.
When the top tax gets be low 45% or even 50%, a recession is likely
and when it is below 40% and as in the US 34% has allowed salaries
as high as $US 100 million, but also causes extremely high
unemployment and associated crime, when the economy of a country
gets bad, crime flourishes, more often as a matter of urgency to
fight to provide existence for self and family.
Mervyn Jacobi
13 Marlborough St
Sherwood. 4075
Mervyn Jacobi 06/02/11 09:41 AM Report Abuse
Gabor, your prayers seem to be answered, Let us all know when you
have had enough, I think that our Queenslanders have had enough by
now, so do not ask for any more, or you might be in trouble with a
lot of people.
Jack Pipsam 23/02/11 09:26 PM Report Abuse
This should really be something out now, guess Labor are silly
ZOMG first post by me!
cabat10 24/02/11 03:29 PM Report Abuse
An observation over the last few years...
China has been purchasing producing land all over Australia for a
few years now. Remember any "organisation" from China is really the
Chinese government.
Land suitable for food production is a limited resource. My concern
is that in the future, we will not have enough arable land to
provide for us. I would guess that China is not purchasing this land
to look after our future food security.
I can't blame the farmers for selling to them. They are in financial
difficulties and are being thrown a lifeline by China. In the long
term though, we may all regret that so much arable land has been
sold to overseas interests.
Just how would you get land back from an overseas interest,
especially if it was a foreign government?
I think a plan for Australia's food security is incredibly
imnportant and certainly would be amongst the most important long
term issues we must deal with.
Mervyn Jacobi 04/03/11 12:39 PM Report Abuse
It is ironic that apart from Kevin Rudd and Paul Keating, the rest
of the Prime Ministers and treasurers have been lawyers, and they
have all been the biggest lot of whimps possible. We had the best
treasurers and,prime ministers in Ben Chifley and Harold Holt,
Unlike the present mob, they were for our farming and manufacturing
industries, the ones since 1971, have been destroying both the
farming and our manufacturing as well as small business. I won't
give either labor or the liberal parties a vote next election,
probably just a nasty comment on the ballot paper. The party senate
members are only prostitutes, they do not aim to look after their
state or territory, only their party, they are useless, only capable
of pulling their party out of being defeated or causing the
governments decision to be defeated. Our governments are a disgrace
to us, the people.
C Athol 08/03/11 11:19 PM Report Abuse
I feel we need to ensure that Australias food and water security is
protected by restriction of foreign investment in farm land and
companies. It may even be prudent in the long term to enact
retrospective legislation that forces sale of farm land and
companies already under foreign ownership. My concerns are 1. We
need to feed ourselves first and foremost and 2. The wealth created
from food exported from Australia needs to create wealth for
Australians, not just wages.
Mervyn Jacobi 09/03/11 09:22 AM Report Abuse
Look at facts, both of our parties are promoting the export of our
non renewable, non value added resources, mainly coal and iron ore.
The reciprocal imports we receive – clothing, tools, trains, cars
and trucks and many more, all goods we had been manufacturing
previously, is obviously destroying the industries that our workers
had been employed in. The latest range being imported, seems to be
fruit and other foodstuffs, all, not really competing, but like the
other goods, subsidised, or otherwise had the price decreased due to
the low price of of the export price of our coal. In a report by
Bloomberg, they say Pohang from Sth. Korea, paid an estimated
$US308.70 / tonne for coal, while BHP Billiton, sold Premium coking
coal (same type of coal), for $US98 /tonne. In the Commonwealth
Hansard 1957 about October, the Minister for Mines claimed that coal
(no particular grade) was worth 40 pounds ($80) per ton. This
converts to $1024 /ton by 2008. When you have 60 ships waiting in
Dalrymple bay to load coal and another 15 in Gladstone port as was
published last year, there can be no doubt that the price or more
probable, the royalty is too low, yet I believe that Anna Bligh was
going to increase the royalty and the government threatened her that
if she did, they would reduce the amount the Commonwealth would be
giving the State as its share of the States portion of taxes etc.
Get it into your head, our political parties are either brainless or
corrupt, they do not look after Australian manufacturing industries
or the people.
Michael Daniels 16/04/11 07:26 PM Report Abuse
I note that one of the initiatives introduced in support of the food
security policy was to spend "$8 million for a “third party”
auditable map of Australia’s Agricultural Production carbon
footprint". Perhaps the map makers, whilst they are there, could
create a simultaneous map identifying property ownership by country.
This would serve as a very useful tool to prevent certain nations
capturing strategic arable land. I also like the idea of leasing the
land rather than selling the land. We want foreign investment that
generates wealth and work for our citizens. Investment that only
makes a vendor farmer wealthy is short term gain for long term pain.
We have seen how foreign countries operate tourism facilities in
Australia. Foreign airlines drop in tourists that hop on to a
foreign owned tour bus company that check into foreign owned hotels
and purchase foreign produced toy Koala Bears.
Barry Green 14/05/11 08:48 AM Report Abuse
It is encouraging to see the comments on this site, I just hope that
the politicians read it.
We have a small farm at Donnybrook in WA, it could grow quite a bit
of fruit but to do so would not be economically rational as I can
earn much more working FIFO with no risk. There’s lots of issues
here, we spend billions of dollars on imported defense hardware
because the government perceives a threat from the north yet we are
happy to allow companies and governments from these countries to buy
our mines and farms and to put our farmers out of business by buying
food from overseas. A countries ability to feed itself is
fundamental to its security, there is no point in having a defense
force if we can’t feed our population in a time of conflict.
We might have a surplus of meat and wheat, but we also need fruit
and veg to stay health, these are much more labour intensive
industries so can’t compete with mining companies for labour. For
maximum nutrition, fruit and veg need to be fresh and grown close to
the consumer. Both major parties are pandering to foreign mining
companies, the wages these companies are able to pay are destroying
sustainable locally owned businesses in manufacturing, tourism and
agriculture. Booms always finish, when this one does there will be
30 plus million of us standing around a bloody great hole saying
what do we do now?
It used to be said that when America sneezes, Australia catches a
cold, I fear that if China sneezes we’ll catch pneumonia. State and
federal governments are going into debt while foreign companies are
raping a pillaging this country, what has happened to the clever
Getting back to local issues, we like to think that we have a free
market economy, but a free market requires multiple players at all
levels, a duopoly is not a free market.
I think many of the problems the farming community face result from
a lack of communication between farmers and consumers and that
agritourism has a place to play in remaking this connection. With
this in mind I have created www.agritourismwa.com.au which is now
receiving over 1000 visits per month so obviously people are
Barry Green 14/05/11 12:23 PM Report Abuse
It is encouraging to see the comments on this site, I just hope that
the politicians read it.
We have a small farm at Donnybrook in WA, it could grow quite a bit
of fruit but to do so would not be economically rational as I can
earn much more working FIFO with no risk. There’s lots of issues
here, we spend billions of dollars on imported defense hardware
because the government perceives a threat from the north yet we are
happy to allow companies and governments from these countries to buy
our mines and farms and to put our farmers out of business by buying
food from overseas. A countries ability to feed itself is
fundamental to its security, there is no point in having a defense
force if we can’t feed our population in a time of conflict.
We might have a surplus of meat and wheat, but we also need fruit
and veg to stay health, these are much more labour intensive
industries so can’t compete with mining companies for labour. For
maximum nutrition, fruit and veg need to be fresh and grown close to
the consumer. Both major parties are pandering to foreign mining
companies, the wages these companies are able to pay are destroying
sustainable locally owned businesses in manufacturing, tourism and
agriculture. Booms always finish, when this one does there will be
30 plus million of us standing around a bloody great hole saying
what do we do now?
It used to be said that when America sneezes, Australia catches a
cold, I fear that if China sneezes we’ll catch pneumonia. State and
federal governments are going into debt while foreign companies are
raping a pillaging this country, what has happened to the clever
Getting back to local issues, we like to think that we have a free
market economy, but a free market requires multiple players at all
levels, a duopoly is not a free market.
I think many of the problems the farming community face result from
a lack of communication between farmers and consumers and that
agritourism has a place to play in remaking this connection. With
this in mind I have created
www.agritourismwa.com.au which is now
receiving over 1000 visits per month so obviously people are
Barry Green 11/06/11 12:58 AM Report Abuse
Is there anyone home at the Liberal party, or are we all talking to
ourselves? I put up two copies of the same message because I
received an error message the first time. The repat message is still
up so it doesn’t look as if anyone in the party bothers to read our
Mervyn Jacobi 11/06/11 09:13 AM Report Abuse
The fact that there have been sixty ships waiting at Dalrymple Bay
and another fifteen at Gladstone, proves that our coal price is too
low, a clearance sale. The damage being done to our manufacturing
industries proves that, and our government jumps on the claim that
our unemployment is a remarkable 5%, but doesn’t tell people that
the workers can only get work for two or three days a week, the
employers want to keep their good workers, don’t won‘t to lose them,
and hope we get a good intelligent government before too long and
drag us out of this miserable recession. It is hard to believe that
Wayne Swan could see at the earlier summit that our economy was
better off than the US because our top tax of 45% could handle the
economy better than the US top tax of 35%. I can’t understand his
mentality though because he still hangs on to that low intelligent
45% top tax, the liberal party is just as bad, intelligence and
integrity are not present in the limited brain space of their
Barry Green 12/06/11 06:27 PM Report Abuse
G’day, Merve, great talking to you yesterday. It’s nice of the
Liberal party to provide this private chat room for us!
I think we have a real problem in Australia that is documented in
Lindsay Tanners “Sideshow, the dumbing down of democracy”
. Anyone from either side of politics who is concerned for
Australia’s, future rather than just getting into power, should read
it. I think all political parties have been duped by the marketing
industry. The fact that we have a hung parliament despite both sides
spending millions on marketing is evidence of this ripoff. Whatever
the polls say, on election day Australians couldn’t pick between the
two options.
The tricks that political parties use seem to assume that we are all
stupid. Tony Abbot might be playing political entertainment game but
I’d prefer to see a leader with intelligence and the wisdom to
articulate policies for the long term. There is much more discussion
on Malcolm Turnbulls’ website than there is on this site, which
suggests to me he has a better understanding of the new media than
the Liberal machine.
Come and have a holiday in WA before it all gets sold off and
exported to India and China,
Samuel Volker 28/06/11 08:18 AM Report Abuse
The idea is conceptually sound, however, the devil is in the detail.
I believe that it still needs some work.
Mervyn Jacobi 28/06/11 09:23 AM Report Abuse
, I have always believed that a higher top tax was necessary to
restrain excessive incomes, Wayne mentioned about these high incomes
of CEO’s but didn’t do anything about it even though they cause
higher prices and services, and that is what we have got now. Add to
all this, the excessive export of our non-renewable, non value added
resources has added to the already loss and destruction of our
manufacturing resources.
I am not in any way in favour of the path the labor has taken, and I
do not trust whatever plans Wayne and Julia have made, because all I
can see is another unnecessary tax looming which will not in any way
significantly affect any “Global Warming” to our benefit, just made
living costs harder to cope with. Quiet bluntly, I would sooner see
Wayne kicked out or stabbed if that is the way they work, and a more
sensible tax system put into place. I suggest a top tax of about 65%
on $450,000, intermediate tax of 45% on $135,000 and the low tax of
5% on $30,000 and zero tax on the first $30,000 until it has been
found to need it higher or lower. I have trialled this, and consider
that it would do all the things that are needed, control excessive
salaries and allow wage earners to live decently. Try it yourself.
If you have an e-mail I can forward a copy to, I can do that but I
believe you have people available to make up such a program.
The present personal tax we are operating with has allowed
excessively high incomes and caused paupers with factories only
having sufficient available work to employ their workers only two or
three days a week, and do this because they don’t want to lose them.
Unfortunately this gives the government the statistics to claim that
unemployment is only 5% when in reality, it is more like 12% or 15%,
and that does not supply enough in the pay packet, to pay a mortgage
or even pay the excessive rents that are coming into fashion.
The excessive export of our non-renewable, non-value-added resources
have opened the door to thousands of tonnes of the goods we used to
manufacture here ourselves, and this has been destroying our own
industries for the last forty years or more. Look at the Chinese
clothing and other such goods and tools which are proliferating to
such an extent that many of our own factories have already forced to
close, one obvious is the clothing factories which were employing so
many of our ladies young and mature, and teaching them much better
things than getting drunk or going on drugs, and the same with our
males. The stupid decisions made by our members of parliament, have
not given them much alternative option.
Mervyn Jacobi
13 Marlborough St
Sherwood. 4075
Mervyn Jacobi 28/06/11 11:27 AM Report Abuse
My wife and myself took a trip or two to WA a few years ago, and had
a lovely trip with one your coach operaters up to Shark Bay and down
to Margaret River, Albany and Wave rock. We actually only had a few
days in Perth though, however we did enjoy the trip, we may do it
again if I can get into better health. I am eighty one, and would
like to get more mobile, but that does not seem to be happening. If
these parties get a better tax system to make life a bit easier, you
might see us over there.
Mervyn Jacobi 28/06/11 12:24 PM Report Abuse
I wish the parties would make use of the internet and look up these
sites “History of tax in the US”, “History of tax in the UK” and
“The taxes around the world” They should be able to get the records
of the history of tax in Australia, but a portion of it is on the
internet if they care to look. Unless they are a bit more out of
intelligence than I believe, they will see the years the countries
were in a depression and in one or in a recession now. All they have
to do is learn from history, but you know the old saying, “ the only
thing we learn from history is - we never learn from history”
John Hawley 30/06/11 11:43 AM Report Abuse
Good policy for agriculture - if it is ever implemented. Many
countries are buying agricultural land to safeguard their food
supplies. Unfortunately Australia seems to be selling agricultural
land to overseas interests so there seems to be a conflict between
your policies and what is happening. The Liberal Party has good
policies - if you can implement them and not just talk and show
pretty pictures (as labor does) you will not have to worry about
Mervyn Jacobi 30/06/11 12:57 PM Report Abuse
John Cobb, I would say that all Australian’s want our food
production areas grown by ourselves, so why have so much of these
areas been sold off to foreigners. I doubt that our Government has
any idea of just how much is now in foreign hands. You cannot say
that the Liberal Party has not, because it has been going on for
more years than the Labor party has been in power. I know that some
of these countries need arable land, for instance Japan with a
population of about one hundred and thirty million, has only about
1% of land suitable for crops and at the moment would dearly love to
be able to buy all the food they need from us, but that sort of
result doesn’t seem to register with our Government.
Barry Green 30/06/11 01:48 PM Report Abuse
The policy becomes academic if we sell our farmland to foreign
interests. See:
Mervyn Jacobi 01/07/11 08:39 AM Report Abuse
A house divided is a house in turmoil, and this applies to our house
of parliament. Irrespective of what motto or other saying you look
at, they all point to the fact that not one of our political parties
even thinks about what is the best decisions for the benefit of our
people and our country. The present turmoil in Greece is a good
indication, there is no thought for the population, and yet the
population is fighting its own people instead of those causing the
problem. The same here, if we only had a committee, no parties, just
a committee of concerned residents who want good government, we
would not have the stupid decisions that are being made now so that
some people and companies can get filthy rich whilst others are
really forced to live in the street or in hovels or are destroyed
researchill 01/07/11 04:16 PM Report Abuse
OK, so this is a good plan BUT..................
There needs to be a plan to stop farms beinbg purchased by Chinese
companies.. the major issue with Chinese companies is that they
often act as arms of foreign policy for the Chinese government.
Vertical integration of the supply chain for minerals and food
resources by Chinese interests will leave Australian governments
with little influence to affect resources being diverted to Chinese
companies cutting out all others.
This is already happening around Gunnedah (ha... Tony Windosr has
even sold his farm)!
This for me is a major concern, many fams are now no longer owned by
Australians, and thismove by Chinese companies is very different to
past ownership by western companies!
If this is not stopped... policy will just be words on paper, and
government a paper tiger!!
Fix it now!
Mervyn Jacobi 03/07/11 11:16 AM Report Abuse
AK Myrtus , Is certainly throwing the ball back at the obsessive
fanatic wimps. Too many people have quickly forgotten why the
Liberal Party lost the 2007 election, and the memory of its poor
attacks against the Australian workers has certainly diminished in
their mind, if they have one. There is no argument that the Labor
party is totally devoid of concern for the Australian industries and
their workers, Just the same as the Liberal. I agree with him that
the Politicians, who have been in Parliament, should never have been
allowed in there in the first place, and those who have been getting
in should have to survive on the unemployment income, or show that
they can hold onto a real job where they have to show their true
value. To join any party, it seems that all you have to do is to
sign a promise “that you will agree with the decisions of the
majority”. Why the Majority, they are not and never ever have been
the most intelligent of any community, and looking at the apparent
level of intelligence of both the majority of the remarks on this
site, and that of those in the political parties, they have proved
my point.
Terry Walsh 04/07/11 10:41 PM Report Abuse
We must secure our food, our food producing lands, whilst ownership
is not spoken above a road map for Security of food must include
foreign ownership must be regulated and controlled properly.
Offending those who have already invested here in not a reason to
avoid this issue.
Land ownership caps should be instituted for non resident and
foreign corporate, government and state owned companies, and buy
back of land already in excess of any land cap should be undertaken.
Change of use from agricultural production to other uses must also
be controlled and regulated.
I support all of the points above, this requires a forward thinking
strategy with achievable steps and implementation must begin within
the next 5 years.
Mervyn Jacobi 05/07/11 02:27 PM Report Abuse
Of all the parties - Oh well, the three parties, just which one do
you think you can trust to prevent the sale of our land. Certainly
they could lease a portion, but I see no reason that our farmers and
graziers could not sell their produce and gain the profits from
that, and we would still own our land. I despise those in power who
have passed the resolution to allow this to happen, and I bet not of
those in power either this party in power now or even later, will
have the integrity to protect us. They haven't previously, and they
won't now.
aurora 10/07/11 11:21 AM Report Abuse
I never understood why in this country we of all things had to
import food. I am sick of going to the grocery store and having to
deal with inferior quality food all whilst paying a premium price.
We are gifted with good rich soil and we are throwing it all away.
Other nations have food security programmes and it's about time we
do too. We need to ensure that we can provide for ourselves and not
rely on the rest of the world to feed us.
If the Liebor Party was serious about 'Climate Change' they would
see how ridiculous it is to import food half way across the world
onto our dinner plates when we can grow it at home. Think about how
energy intensive it is to ship and transport things that we can grow
Simon May 10/07/11 02:36 PM Report Abuse
Food security is also a big part of our National security package
which will help protect us against international risks. The best way
to hedge these risks is with a long term focus on land management
and new technology to allow crops to produce higher densities, with
lower water demands and over a wider climate range.
Some areas are not sustainable for producing food crops and rather
than supplement farmers every year we should open up new areas for
farming while rehabilitating unsustainable farm land.
There is no shortage of water in the north if have the will to
manage it strategically. The density of farming along the Murray has
exacerbated water shortages for a number of years. This area can be
highly productive but the efficiency of production is under threat
from the intensity. Parcels of land should be reclaimed to reduce
the stress on limited resources.
Mervyn Jacobi 10/07/11 03:42 PM Report Abuse
Our treacherous governments are allowing foreign companies to buy
blocks of our land and Mining contracts so that they can take a very
prominent place in the destruction of our economy. The further
closing of more of our industries shows that these members of the
political parties have as much allegiance to Australia as the
Taliban. It is unfortunate that our forces are over in Afghanistan
fighting George Bush’s enemy, rather than being back in Australia,
fighting our own enemies. When our Government forgets about
destroying our industries with the reciprocal imports from the
mining exports, and starts to work towards rebuilding the economy of
Australia I will know we once again have true Australians in our
Parliament, we don’t have any yet.
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