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About Western Tourist Radio
Mission Statement

To provide a network of visitor information stations that visitors will seek out because of the quality, reliability and presentation of their content.

To provide a cost effective method for local businesses to promote their unique attractions, products and services.  Thus enabling visitor activity to have the maximum economic benefit to regional economies.


The Vision

Our service will eventually become an integral part of the West Australian tourism industry, communicating information about local attractions, products, services and events to visitors via this website and our network of radio stations. Hotel managers will choose to use our program as part of their  Visitor Information Channel because it gives their guests a reason to stay longer and return sooner.

For information about promoting your business on Western Tourist Radio     click here

Hear our story told on Donnybrook Balingup Community Radio

Company Background

Western Tourist Radio operates stations on 87.6 FM in Bunbury,  Busselton, Dunsborough, Cowaramup (near Margaret River) and Augusta . Our Radio WA 87.6 FM in East Perth licence has recently been sold to Edge Radio Australia and we look forward to working with them in the future to provide a voice for community and small business.  . Radio WA owns licences on Rottnest Island and Swan Valley, we are keen to find partners to share in the operation of these stations.  In addition, WTR holds licences in a number of other locations including Albany, Denmark,  Kalgoorlie, Mt Barker, Mundaring, Coolgardie and Norseman. We are keen to find partners to operate these sites. Our program content is available online via  https://soundcloud.com/westerntouristradio and  https://soundcloud.com/radiowa giving our sponsors the ability to share their stories on their own websites and to other platforms.  

Our stations provide listeners (both travelers and locals) with the information they require about things to do and the unique products and services available in the area. In so doing, we highlight aspects of each region, with information and anecdotes on the history, industry, attractions and talents of the people of the region. We believe that by featuring local people on our programs, both yarns and musical talent, that local West Australians will be attracted to listen and can be encouraged to holiday in their own backyard.    

The radio service is promoted with roadside signage, signage at tourist venues and on tourist maps and brochures as well as via this site. By allowing the service to become the mouthpiece of the local tourist industry we believe that the industry players will have a vested interest in the promotion of the service. As a result of our focus on attractions (our radio programs don't carry accommodation information, instead advising listeners where to find the local visitor information centre) hotels in the South West are now using our service as a part of  a Visitor Information Channel  on their TV systems. We will happily provide a web link to accommodation providers who promote our service in this way. The better informed visitors are about the local area, the better their experience and the longer they stay. 

Recognising the growing importance of the internet as a tourism marketing tool this site has been developed as a West Australian Independent Holiday Network as well as providing  links to all sponsors sites. The site is now ranking very well for a wide range of search words.  We are happy to swap links with a range of other WA tourism and agritourism businesses and are building a community of small businesses around the site. For detail see our Link Policy .  Our radio programs encourage listeners to visit our site next time they email home from a internet cafe or telecentre, or to follow up on information they heard on our program from the internet at home. 

As part of our commitment to regional tourism, we are happy to swap links to regional tourism association websites at no charge. The link would appear in the WA Holiday Planner section of this site. 

Our programs, presented by Hovea Grant and yarn spinner, comedian Jon Doust, are informative and entertaining. They run for approximately one hour and  continually repeat. New program content is being produces by Barry Green interviewing business owners so their story becomes part of our program.   All of our technical equipment is sourced from WA Manufacturars.

Our Radio WA 87.6 FM in East Perth a West Australian Visitor Information station, with program about Perth and  featuring stories about regional areas.

The company was bought in February 2001, by Barry Green and wife Dale . Barry has 30 years experience as a technician in the Communications and Broadcast industry, including 13 years as a senior technician in commercial  television in Bunbury. Barry can be contacted on 0428 317 006

Barry & Dale have owned a farm at Donnybrook since 1988.  In 2000 they became involved in the tourist industry when they restored an old cottage on the farm that now provides Farmstay accommodation (Boronia Farm Farmstay) .   In 22 years since buying Western Tourist Radio, Barry has made steady progress in learning the issues in the Tourism Industry, especially from the perspective of small regional operators. He is now in a unique position to understand the industry, being the operator of a small tourist business (Boronia Farm Farmstay), Past Chairman of the Tourism Committee of the Donnybrook Chamber of Commerce,  past committee member of the Harvest Highway and member of a number of tourist associations. 

Our focus continues to be on Tourism, but the events around Covid have demonstrated that Main Stream Media has become the voice of the corporations.  WTR has become a part of the new Independent Media that is filling the void left by MSM and providing a voice for community and small business.