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Sustainable Living Events in Western Australial
Sustainable Living
 In times of change, learners inherit the earth while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to work in a world that no longer exists. Eric Hoffer
To sustain living at a reasonable level on this planet we all need to act now to change our  use and sources of energy and other limited resources, whiling minimising the the emissions of CO2  . This is an concept that governments that operate on a 3 year election cycle don't seem to be able to respond to. Change will be driven by the individuals taking responsibility for their own actions and businesses and organisations that come up with economically viable solutions to the problems we face. Unfortunately Australian governments are still locked into the economic growth model, yet the CSIRO is showing leadership and presenting ideas for a new direction in ECOS magazine, towards a sustainable future. In Australia, entrepreneur  Dick Smith has stood up, like the boy who cried, the Emperor has no clothes, and put the question of population and growth on the public agenda .  There are hundreds of thousands of young people across the globe who can imagine a different, more sustainable future, but don’t know how to go about creating it. The Centre for Sustainability Leadership is designed to bridge this gap by empowering young people to make their communities more sustainable and  in WA Days of Change is providing leadership.

These ideas are also discussed by people like Australian of the Year (2007) Tim Flannery, and others such as  Clive Hamilton ,  Kelvin ThomsonMax Whisson and  Al Gore . The following websites contain ideas and products that can contribute to a sustainable way forward. To find sustainable living events, click here
Sustainable ideas, products and industries 
Sustainable Energy Now  promotes practical, affordable strategies for a sustainable global future by the adoption of renewable energy. SEN is a dynamic and independent WA association.
Plastic Free July     The challenge is quite simple...attempt to refuse single-use plastic during July. 
Sustainable Population Australia
Sunwise Electrics    provide custom solutions to meet your renewable energy targets and needs including Caravan systems
ECOS is a bi-monthly CSIRO magazine reporting on the science and news behind sustainability in the environment and industry.
Architecture Collective   an innovative group of architects and interior designers who specialize in designing dynamic buildings and environments that strive for the highest environmental standards, exceed client expectations and maximize the project budget.
HotRock is an Australian-based charitable organisation that is helping secondary schools to deliver sustainability education. The charity was formed in 2007 with the clear purpose of educating our youth for a sustainable future.
Sustainababy Sustainable Eco-Friendly baby products
The Green Directory Promoting sustainable living
Alternative Technology Association Promoting energy saving and conservation in households.
Sustainable Transport Coalition of WA
Climate Change Response  sustainable solutions Providing sustainable solutions
Tangaroa Blue Ocean Care Society  Protecting our oceans
Transition Bunbury is a community-based response to peak oil and climate change.
The Natural Edge Project  (TNEP) is an engineering for climate change and sustainability working group based in Australia. TNEP operates as a collaborative partnership for education, research and policy development on innovation for sustainable development.
Curtin Vegie Garden Volunteers Not back to basics, but towards a sustainable future.
Curtin University Sustainability Policy Institute
Western Australian Sustainable Energy Association (WA SEA) Inc.
Geographe Green is based in the south-west and is committed to providing renewable energy, helping reduce energy/water/waste for our customers and increasing energy efficiency in the local area. We are passionate about clean and free energy from the sun. We service areas including but not limited to Busselton, Dunsborough, Margaret River, Capel, Donnybrook-Balingup and Bunbury
Australian Conservation Foundation
Desert Eco Systems innovative water conservation systems
Transition Culture  How might our response to peak oil and climate change look more like a party than a protest march? This site explores the emerging transition model in its many manifestations
Transition Towns WIKI   It all starts off when a small collection of motivated individuals within a community come together with a shared concern: how can our community respond to the challenges, and opportunities, of Peak Oil and Climate Change?
The Story of Stuff   exposes the connections between a huge number of environmental and social issues, and calls us together to create a more sustainable and just world . 
WMRC An organisation committed to caring for the environment in which we live 
One Earth Outlet. All the life sustaining products under the sun
Alternate Energy Sources For A Flourishing Future This website informs you about many alternate energy sources and how you can use this knowledge to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and save you money
Roaring40s  Thinking Energy
The Wilderness Society Defending Australia's Wild Country
CASSE Centre for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy
Beyond Zero Emissions Inc. is a not-for-profit, volunteer run organisation who’s core goal is to facilitate the implementation of the social changes and technologies that will reduce the impacts of climate change and give our society and global ecosystems a chance of surviving into the future.
Greenfoot Creating a greener, more sustainable life.
South West Sun & Wind Power  Clean free renewable energy from the sun
Green Power 
Tree Hugger is the leading media outlet dedicated to driving sustainability mainstream. Partial to a modern aesthetic, we strive to be a one-stop shop for green news, solutions, and product information.
Green Vehicle Guide By choosing a greener vehicle, you can make a real difference, by leaving it in the garage you can make a bigger difference.
Tesla Motors, all electric car, the way of the future.
Walk there today  Walking guide  walking is an excellent way to enjoy a health active lifestyle and improve your health
Earth Garden Magazine Sustainable Living with country or city alternatives 
G Magazine For a lifestyle that won't cost the earth.
Climate Clever Australian Government Greenhouse Office
Earth Solution Avon Valley  Be part of the solution
WARNING: The following opinion may offend some readers. It is written from the perspective of a farmer (struggling with low rainfall, stagnant commodity prices and in invasion of kangaroos in plague proportions) and small businessman in Regional WA.

The current mining boom driven by Global Free Trade is setting Australia up for an almighty crash. Mining is a huge contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and global warning. The mining boom is destroying sustainable industries like agriculture, manufacturing and domestic tourism by making labour costs prohibitive. 

Our politicians like to call us the clever country but I don't see anything very cleaver about the way we are going at present. We are allowing the world to treat us like the colonials treated the natives in the 1800's - swapping coloured beads for gold. Australia is giving up its mineral resources and swapping them for consumable junk. Mining is very important to Australia, but the rate of expansion of this unsustainable industry must be limited now to avoid a calamity when the bubble bursts or when the global community forces us to reduce greenhouse gas emissions or be banned from participating in global trade. Mining and foreign investment  have become the heroin of the Australian economy, sooner or later we will have to go cold turkey and it is going to hurt like hell. Responsible government would ban any expansion of the mining industry, minerals not mined now will still be there to mine in the future, when they will be of greater value. Isn't our government interested in the future? Governments encourage "responsible drinking" rather than binge drinking because of the social consequence of this activity, why not encourage responsible mining rather than binge mining? Has the Australian government given up our sovereignty to Global Free Trade? Our state government has developed the act now website to encourage us to be more careful with resources while their own State of the Environment Report  indicates that the natural environment is suffering from the mining boom.

The mining boom and associated population increase threatens to destroy what makes WA a great place to live, something in which I declare a vested interest. The boom is making housing unaffordable and increasing the social divide within Perth as well as the city-country divide. There is so much potential for Australia to reinvent itself as a renewable energy economy if only our politicians will allow the the scaling back of coal mining. In future the coal could well be worth more in manufacturing processes than as an energy source. Renewable energy projects have the potential to replace the jobs lost in mining. How much released carbon dioxide is one job worth? If John Howard & Kevin Rudd had been around when the flush toilet was invented would we still be using dunny cans to keep the night cart men employed?  Both major parties claim the "strong economy" is a product of their management at national and state levels. I'd suggest that it has more to do with the fact that Australia happens to be lucky enough to be sitting on minerals that China currently wants, but the environmental cost of the boom is going to be paid for by future generations.

I'd welcome someone in authority to explain any error in my logic. If what I've written makes sense to you, then you might be interested in the following pages Farmers Markets , Organic Farming, Permaculture and Slow Food Click here to listen . If you agree with the ideas expressed here, please feel free to link to any of these pages from your website, this way you are helping to spread an alternative view to that which is being run in the mainstream commercial media! If your website is relevant to the content of this site I'll happily provide a reciprocal link.

Barry Green, Managing Director, Western Tourist Radio 

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