If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold , it would be a merrier world. (JRR Tolkien) 

With the end of the ABC Open Garden Scheme, Open Gardens West Coast  has been created to promote the continuation of Open Gardens in Western Australia. We are are happy to promote open gardens , and garden related events via this website by linking to websites or Facebook pages associated with Open Gardens. This webpage is promoted on our www.gardeningwest.com.au and our radio service on 87.6 FM in the South West of WA and Radio WA 87.8 FM in East Perth

To find out how to have your open garden listed on this site, please call Barry Green, on 9731 7006, or email me barry@touristradio.com.au

Town Garden.       Click on the town or garden name for more details.
Bridgetown Festival of Country Gardens
Busselton Busselton Wildflower Exhibition  
Nannup Living Green Festival 
Balingup Festival of Country Gardens    in towns along the Harvest Highway 
Corals Garden   
Fern Bank Open Garden  

Diggers Club We have Australia's largest range of heirloom vegetables, cottage flowers and fruit plants that can be delivered direct to your door.
Eden Seeds OUR AIM is to distribute old traditional open pollinated varieties of vegetable seed, preferably old Australian varieties and organically or bio-dynamically grown where possible.