Health and Wellbeing Products and Services Western Australia

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World of Wellness






Health and Wellbeing Products and Services Western Australia
Health and Wellbeing Products and Services
Half of the modern drugs could well be thrown out of the window, except that the birds might eat them.
                                                                                                              Dr. Martin Henry Fischer

World of Wellness started in 2022, after Australians endured two years of the longest lockdowns in the world.
We now have a committee of dedicated people who have worked in the health sector, or who are passionate about health reform, safety standards and accountability.
Our team includes health practitioners and health entrepreneurs from a wide range of backgrounds.

There is a growing awareness of a more holistic approach to health and wellbeing. Holiday time is a great time to slow down and look for new ideas and experiences,  from taking time to think about the quality of the food you eat and how your health and wellbeing can be improved by reaching a Healthy Balance Act-Belong-Commit is a community-based health promotion campaign that encourages people to take action to improve their mental health and wellbeing. This evidence-based campaign was developed primarily from research undertaken by Curtin University into people’s perceptions of mental health and the behaviours they believed protected and promoted good mental health. The campaign is directed by Mentally Healthy WA at Curtin University, and implemented through health services, local governments, women’s health services and not-for-profit groups.

Act:  do some gardening, take a walk around a local park; watch some wildlife; take time to watch the sun set; spend time with your pets

Belong: join a community group or get a group together for a picnic in a natural setting; visit a wildlife sanctuary or farm with friends to see the animals; join a hiking or running  group.

Commit: become a 'civic environmentalist' : join a tree planting group; volunteer to keep your local parks and gardens clean; take up orienteering; learn more about ecology; offer to take a home bound person out to a park...


Below are some more links to more great websites, some of which can become a part of you holiday experience in the South West.

  Karen Crutchlow -The Holistic Health Coach    Through understanding my client's unique health and lived experience, I work in partnership to support and guide them and facilitate mindset and behavioural changes. This contributes to managing and reducing the impact of many lifestyle related health conditions.
Donnybrook Natural Health    is here to help you and your family achieve optimum levels of health through natural medical methods of treatment. The focus is to promote health awareness in the community. You will learn how to understand your body and look after it so you can maintain the level of healthiness you will achieve through the guidance of Donnybrook Natural Health Clinic.
Sarvaga Light    founder, Johan, offers caring guidance in a safe environment to allow you to heal and grow spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically without prejudice, judgement, rejection, or fear.

We will help you create better relationships with yourself, with others and with your environment.
Steve Lumsdaine Breath Connection Buteyko Breathing 2016
Aromatic Essentials Natural Skincare  A great deal of love and care goes into each and every product to help people and pets with skin problems. There is no skimping on quality ingredients. All soaps and creams are made with the most effective and natural herbs and essential oils and are designed especially for people with sensitive skin. You can have any type of skin and benefit greatly from using these products. Palm oil free, Chemical free, Vegan and made with love in Mullalyup, W.A
Choosing Wisely Australia  is helping the medical community & consumers start an important conversation about improving the quality of healthcare by eliminating unnecessary and sometimes harmful tests, treatments, and procedures.
Sarvaga Light     Reigniting Enthusiasm for Life
Greater Bunbury Psychology Services,    our approach is focused on enhancing the capacity and strategies available to the individual, group, or organisation to overcome life issues or challenges and achieve positive mental health outcomes.
High Aspirations    We are all about assisting YOU to Realise Your Potential
Black Dog Ride began as one man's personal quest to complete a solo motorbike trip around Australia to raise community awareness of depression
Scrumpy Soap Co    We lovingly make all our soaps by hand, using old fashioned soap making methods. We use only natural ingredients including local Olive oil, home grown spray free herbs, natural Australian clays and Essential oils.
Bev Seeey   Experiential Psychotherapy  Looking for gentle, respectful and effective psychotherapy? 
Moon-Haven Soaps, Lotions & Potions  Welcome to the enchantment
Men's Shed Association Established in 2007 by the Australian independent community based Men's Sheds to represent, support and promote the Mens Shed Movement and to act as a central hub for information exchange.
Food Intolerance Network  independent information about the effects of food on behaviour, health and learning ability in both children and adults.
Tinderbox  Healing for Humans from Plants, a diverse range of herbal products to meet most human needs and desires
Walking On Clouds  Wellness Centre
Mt Romance   Sandalwood Factory
Emu Essence
Suttons Solutions The one, the only, the original iconic colloidal silver
More Food for Thought:
Maggi Dent  Quietly improving lives
Alternative Methods to Quit Smoking
Health Effects of Cigarette Smoking
Dr Dingle  The new DEAL:  Diet Environment, Attitude and Lifestyle.
Angels Deliverance  new listing Healing(s), Heart, Mind, Body & Soul
Cancer, Cause & Cure, cancer cause?  A farmer's fascinating account of how agribusiness is disrupting the balance of nature and causing devastation in the food chain. Read of his logical experiments with crops and animals that led to remarkable cures for arthritis and cancer. He reveals to readers secrets hidden from science. A dramatic personal story spanning the century
Emotional Freedom Technique the revolutionary new "psychological acupressure" technique that everyone is talking about
Australian Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Association
Local Drug Action Groups (LDAGs) were established in 1996 as part of a government initiative predicated on the belief that an important part of an overall response to addressing alcohol and other drug issues was to work from within the community. Local Drug Action Groups Incorporated (LDAG Inc) works in partnership with the Government of Western Australia.
ABC Health and Wellbeing
The Heart Foundation Help keep your ticker ticking.
If you wish to list your business or community group on this website please see our Link Policy