If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold , it would be a merrier world. (JRR Tolkien)
Agritourism in WA is helping to remake the connection between farmers and consumers. The farming community faces many economic, environmental and social challenges in providing food for a growing population, food security is becoming an issue. This is a subject that anyone who has an interest in eating should be taking an interest in. As the creator of this website, I believes that agritourism has a place to play in raising awareness of the issues farmers face. My belief is that some form of organic farming is the way of the future, not all farming groups agree. To retain balance, this page includes links to many farming related organisations so that readers can read both sides of the debate then make up their own mind as to which is in the best interest of the wider community. Barry Green
Farming Organisations
Fruit West Growing fruit to keep West Australians Healthy
South West Catchment Council our job, put simply is to work with the community in caring for our south west environment.
Leschenault Catchment Council one of six sub-regions within the South West that operates within the framework of the South West Regional Strategy for Natural Resource Management.
Network of Concerned Farmers Farmers protecting sustainability of family farms
Climate Kelpie Rounding up climate tools for Australian Farmers
Grains Research & Development Corporation One of the world's leading grains research organisations, responsible for planning, investing and overseeing research and development.
Landcare Australia Everyone Everywhere
Nuffield Australia a unique global network of farmers. Nuffield Australia Farming Scholars provides a scholarship scheme for the benefit of the Australian farming community
Bugs & Biology Grower Group members are focused on investigating and implementing sustainable production strategies for WA's broadacre farms, to deal with an increasingly variable climate. The motivation of the group is our perception that the existing farming system is under stress and that alternative production strategies need to be investigated
Future Farmers Network Young people creating prosperous futures in rural industries
Farm Day is when a farm family hosts a city family for a day for a real hands-on experience and a greater understanding of the day-to-day life of the farming family.
Perth Market Authority
Kondinin Group Agriculture information
BestFarms Environmental Management Systems
Blackwood Basin Group
Meat and Livestock Australia
Pastoralists and Graziers Association of Western Australia (PGA)
WA Farmers is the State's largest and most influential rural lobby group
Vegetables WA
Farming Media
ABC Rural WA The national broadcaster
Farm Weekly Rural news classifieds and community
Food Groups
Farm Advisors